Women In Tech: Why We Need More and How to Get There?


When you hear “Women in Tech,” what comes to mind? What I think is that they’re “RARE.”

Let’s dive into some numbers to understand this better:

  • About the Numbers: Globally, women constitute only about 28% of jobs in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
  • Leadership Roles: The disparity becomes more pronounced higher up the ladder. Only 10% of tech company executives are women, and less than half of start-ups have at least one woman on their board.

Even though there’s been a slight increase in the number of women in tech over the last five years, the growth is painfully slow—only about 2% more. This isn’t enough. We need significantly more women in tech, not just a marginal increase.

So, how can we achieve this? It’s all about dismantling outdated stereotypes such as “girls can’t do math” or “coding isn’t for girls.”

You might have heard about women who stumbled into tech by accident, and a few who chose it deliberately. Tech is too important to leave just to the techies; we need a diversity of thoughts and backgrounds to create impactful technology. We need many more like us.

Here’s some advice for women who are already in tech or considering to jump into the Tech field:

  • Be Confident and Worry Less: Remember, no one is judging you as much as you judge yourself. It’s normal to feel like you’re not good enough, but don’t let it hold you back.
  • Speak Up: Your ideas are important. Don’t hesitate to share them, especially if you’re the only woman in the room. Your opinion and voice matter, and you’re there for a reason.
  • Find a Mentor: Seek out women who’ve been in your position and learn from their experiences and how they navigated their way in the tech industry. Their advice and support can be incredibly valuable.
  • Know Your Why: Understanding your “Why” can provide clear direction and deeper motivation.
  • Solve Problems: Take joy in solving problem; it’s the fastest way to create your Value. You might not have all the solutions, but finding your way out is key.
  • Go for It: Women are less likely to apply for a promotion or a new role unless they think they meet all the required skills to be successful. However, rarely does anyone have it all, so why not seize that opportunity?

Remember to love yourself and recognize your worth. You’re capable and equally deserving of everything you aspire to in your tech career, just as men are.

Let’s work to bring more women into tech and make it as diverse as the world around us.

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